15 February, 2022

Travelling to Mexico

Harvest has started, which means long and busy days and lots of energy consumption. We need to plan our menus accordingly to ensure we have quick, nutritious and healthy (ish) meals. With temperatures in the high 30’s, we wanted to enjoy this at the pool with a glass of ice-cold, refreshing wine.

Therefore we decided on slow-cooked shredded chicken nachos with Cluster Series Pinot Gris!
I simply place the chicken with BBQ sauce in the slow-cooker in the morning and by the time I got back home, I only had to prep the rest of the ingredients, put it all together and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes.

SA Wine Harvest 2022 has also been a bit of a slow one, with an average of 2 weeks late start due to the cool and rainy spring. At this early stage the overall thought is that the yield quantities are down from last year but higher than the previous five years’ average.
It is very early to speculate and with my Chardonnay from Vermaaklikheid only ready for harvest at the beginning of March, the only reality at this stage is that this Nachos is delicious and on my plate! Follow my adjusted recipe below and enjoy with a few glasses of my Pinot Gris!

Happy Harvest!

Slow-cooked shredded chicken nachos

• 1 kg of chicken thighs or chicken breast (I used a combo of the two)
• 2 tablespoons of olive oil
• 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika
• 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, cumin, kosher salt, dry mustard, and chilli powder
• 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
• 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
• 1/2 cup of your favourite BBQ sauce

Nacho stuff
• 1 bag (370 g) tortilla chips
• 2 cups shredded mature cheddar cheese
• ½ cup spring onion, finely sliced
• ½ cup pickled jalapeños
• 8 strips bacon, cooked, crumbled
• ½ cup sour cream
• Tomato salsa

Guacamole stuff
• Avocado
• Lime juice
• Salt & pepper

Add the chicken with spices and BBQ sauce in a slow cooker. Cook for 6-8 hours on low.

When the chicken is ready, pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. Mash up the avocado and mix your quick guacamole!

Drain the canned black beans

Remove the chicken from the slow cooker and shred with a fork. It should fall apart with no resistance.

Spread the chips and top with the black beans on an oven save plate or cooking sheet. Layer with half of the pulled chicken, followed by half of the cheese, spring onion, salsa, bacon, and pickled jalapeños. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Drizzle the sour cream and spoon the guacamole on top. Serve!


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